Welcome to the Mentors Training Portal


    List of training modules.

    Watch these at your own pace.

    Don't rush it.

    Take your time to let the distinctions land and to do the experiments.

    Specially when something is new or doesn't quite make sense, make time to let yourself make space for the new distinctions.

    Have fun! This is about you and your journey to become a better spaceholder in a estabilized adulthood state.

    1) Welcome

    The focus of this training program is on tranfering your nature skills, insights and connections, and painting doorways for others to grow, heal and get closer to their authentic path in life.

    2) Getting into First Position

    This is your starting point and most fundamental shift in how you carry yourself and relate to the world.

    Your attention.

    Where is your attention and how you're using it.

    First Position is the practice of becoming centered, grounded and bubbled.

    This is the starting point and the point of origin of adulthood and holding space.

    3) Becoming Unhookable

    Becoming unhookable is the consequence of the continuous practice of getting into First Position.

    When you're stabilized in your adult state, you become unhookable and the director of your attention.

    4) The Power Of Conscious Feelings

    Examining your current way of relating with your feelings. Are your feelings a valuable resource or are they a burden that you need to manage, hide, repress, project or numb out?

    In this video, you'll learn the value of your feelings and start carving a pathway to a new way of relating with them.

    5) Authentic Initiations & Adulthood

    Authentic Adulthood initiations have been banished for over 5000 years and were replaced in modern culture by quasi-initiations, like drinking out, partying, playing scaring pranks, etc.

    Authentic Initiations are processes unique to each being that expands their capacity to take responsibility.

    As you learn how to hold space for your own authentic initiations, you become someone who can hold space for others authentic initiations.

    6) Fields of Collaboration (Non-hierarchical Organizations)

    Hierarchical organizations greatly limit the human potential and the potential of the team.

    But how can we create a non-hierarchical organization when so much of our conditioning is there to make us comply with hierarchies?