3-month immersive training program with Magic Waters Mentors.


    Weekly hands-on experience in our Nature School program.

    Weekly group call to explore Thoughtmaps, and deliver tools, and experiments.

    Connect with a network of Nature Schools, parents, students and mentors.


    Ages: +16

    When: Contact us for details

    Where: Sooke (T'sou-ke), BC

    Cost: FREE (until Summer 2025).


    Interested? Keep reading to learn more.


    Is it your Life's Calling?


    You LOVE nature.

    You witnessed the miracle of nature.

    You find your place in the world in nature.

    You see the major impact that nature connection creates in someone's life and society as a whole.

    You recognize that the biggest problems humans face are rooted in our disconnection with nature.


    It might be that your life's calling is to become a bridge to help others connect with nature.


    It might be that your life's calling is to become a bridge to help others connect with nature.

    Yet, there might be obstacles in your way from fully delivering this value to others.

    Lack of Spaceholding Skills

    Holding space is THE foundational skill needed for allowing others to learn, heal, transform and unfold onto their full potential.


    Spaceholding Skills involve:

    - Creating and navigating energetic spaces

    - Navigating feelings, emotions and inner worlds with clarity and presence

    - Staying in connection through verbal and non-verbal communication

    - Staying centered, grounded and in your bubble of space

    - Having your authority and empowering others to have theirs

    - Standing on the edge between where you are now and where you want to go


    Spaceholding is essential and requires dedicated practice to master the skill.

    Unconscious Feelings and Emotions

    One of the biggest killers of intimacy and collaboration is using emotions in service to your shadow principles.


    You might get easily triggered by people's behaviours. You shut down, go inwards and energetically turn your back when something makes you feel uncomfortable.


    You start resenting others when something "rubs you the wrong way".


    You blame others when something doesn't work. "The system is too corrupt", "people are corrupt", "people are not ready", "we're too fucked up", "they're too fucked up", "I'm too fucked up", "if they could only see it the way I see it..."


    An efficient nature mentor needs a basic level of mastery consciously using their feelings and emotions.

    Money Scarcity

    Money Scarcity becomes an obstacle when you don't take responsibility for your relation with Money.


    "You need to do your money making job and don't have enough time/attention for your other aspirations."


    You might resent money.

    You don't like the idea or have resistance to getting paid for doing a service from your heart.


    You might hate that money is a thing, that "you need it to survive".


    "If I turn my passion into a paid job, it'll loose its magic.


    Taking responsibility for your relation with money opens a doorway to allowing life-giving resources to flow through you and from you, and empower your life's calling.

    Lack of Commitment

    Commitment is a force with the power to change the world around you. When you commit, the Universe's shape changes to adapt to your new commitment.


    Lack of commitment might show as indecisiveness.

    You have other commitments you don't want to let go of.

    You want to do so many other things and can't decide on one thing. 

    You commit to one thing but then drop it when the next shiny thing comes.


    "It's too much commitment. If I commit, I will let others down when I fail, I will be trapped in a prison of responsibilities"


    Growing your capacity to commit is essential for anything to work, for your word to mean something, and for your actions to show what you care about.

    Fear of Standing on the Edge

    Standing on the edge is a basic spaceholder skill that requires you to have one foot where you are now and another foot where you want to go, while remaining neutral about it.


    You might have a strong resistance of standing on the edge. This might simply mean that you are not practiced in this skill.


    Standing on the edge means being uncomfortable and remaining present. Being in the in-between, as a neutral observer, ok with who you are.


    Standing on the edge and staying there for the edge to work through you is essential for successfully becoming a bridge for others.

    Lack of Vision

    You sense within you the vision and purpose of being a bridge for others to connect with nature.


    Lack of vision makes it so that your vision is not clear enough to grab you by the shoulders and put you on the path.

    You might see the vision clearly, but there are other times when it's completely out of your field.

    Or, your vision is blurry. You see some parts of it, but others are blank, or even completely contradictory of each other.


    As a nature mentor, your vision is your purpose, the value and the clarity that you bring to others and the space.

    Unconscious Purpose

    You might be aware of your conscious purpose, but not your unconscious purpose.


    There are invisible forces that influence human behaviour. Some of these you are conscious of, others you are not.


    Your unconscious purpose might be creating patterns of: neurotic speaking, substance abuse, addiction to the news or scrolling through social media, parasitical vampire entities, demons, unchecked assumptions, story worlds, shadow principles, etc.


    To become a nature mentor you need clarity about both of your purposes, conscious and unconscious, and what forces you (and others) are under the influence of.


    Will you continue on the known path and hope that something magically changes in the future?


    Will you do something right now that would absolutely eliminate all the other possibilities of repeating the same pattern?


    It's up to you...


    An immersive training to get you from where you are now, to having the tools, energy and skills to:

    1) work at our school as a nature mentor,

    2) work at other nature schools, and...

    3) start your own nature school


    Here's what is covered in this program:

    Basic Spaceholding Skills

    You'll learn and practice the basics of holding space for your unique principles to do their work.

    • Becoming centered, grounded and bubbled.
    • Lowering your numbness bar to source your feelings (Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy)
    • Creating and navigating a space of discovery.
    • Discovering your archetypal lineage, what is your nature mentor specialty?

    Teamworking Skills

    Communication skills.

    Communication loops.

    Rapid learning, feedback, encouragement, beeps, coaching.

    Vacuum learning, asking questions.

    Resistance decision making.

    Navigating difficult terrain together.

    Creating Logistics v.s. Creating Intimacy

    Organizational Skills

    How you can organize your school.

    How to set up a PMA (Private Members Association) for the participants, volunteers, mentors, and parents where you are in full control of the context and rules of engagement and not an external authority.

    Creating non-hierarchical human organizations.

    Culture-to-culture conversations.

    Cultivating and taking a stand for your team's culture.


    There are no certificates given in this program.

    You get the real experience from immersing yourself in a hands-on learning environment.

    No certificate, degree or diploma guarantees that you are qualified to deliver your value to others.


    The path of nature mentor is a life path that is continuously unfolding and evolving.

    There's no final destination.

    There's the edge you walk and the discoveries you bring to the field for the following generations.


    The structure that holds the training program is a mix of immersive real-life practice in our school and an online practice and support space.


    We aim to leverage the digital world as a rapid training space and a doorway to new ways of connection and communication.

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    Real Life Practice

    From day one, practice once a week at our nature school.


    You join our group as a mentor apprentice, where you get immerse in the experience of being a mentor and see how other mentors move in the space.


    5 hours / week

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    Weekly Video Calls

    Once a week the mentors in the program have a 1.5 hour call to deliver new distinctions, tools, maps, practices, and give out experiments for the week.


    1.5 hours / week

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    24/7 Team Chat

    A team chat for connecting, staying in close communication, voice or text messages, updates, reports, questions, discoveries, resources, appreciations and coordinating logistics.


    ~1 hour / week

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    Monthly Village Weaving Event

    Once a month the family of Magic Waters comes together to weave the village. Creating space for deeper intimacy, experimenting, deepening the context of our community, etc.


    2 hours / month


    Tell us about you and why you want to become a Nature Mentor