Our offerings create a platform to support families and for each individual to unfold their potential.

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    Nature School

    Nature School program for families who want a more natural learning environment for their children that encourages regenerative practices.


    Ages: 5 to 12 (smaller children welcome with a parent or guardian)

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    Nature Mentor Training

    Basic Spaceholding Training

    3-months immersive program for 16+

    FREE (until May 2025)


    Practical experience holding space for children and adults in our nature school. Learn the details of how we set up Magic Waters to work as a PMA (Private Member Association) with minimal paperwork and maximum impact. Connect with other partnering nature schools, parents and mentors network.


    Become a Nature School mentor, work at our school, other nature school, AND/OR start your own school.


    Do you have an offering, program or proposal that fits, feeds and expands Magic Waters?