The name Magic Waters was originated by Jorge Pedret in 2022.


    The name Magic comes from research carried out by Jorge on a collaborative technology called "Loom" (“Telar” in Spanish).


    The name Waters comes from the 5 elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Eather.


    The Loom is a cluster of evolving teams with different roles for each member based on the 5 elements focusing their energy on one element: Water.


    Water is the element in the center that goes through the evolution of the other 3 elements Fire, Air and Earth, before it transforms back into Eather.


    A Magic Water is a member who has gone many times through all the possible transformations (Fire to Air, Air to Earth, Earth to Water, Water to Eather).


    A Magic Water has the power to create something from nothing, in other words, to catalyze and initiate other elements to form a new Loom from scratch.


    More details about Loom and Loom Economy here: https://loomeconomy.mystrikingly.com/


    Jorge started a few initiatives in 2021-2022 based on the Loom: Mamas Weaving and Land-Back Loom.


    In May 2024, Jorge suggested using the name Magic Waters for the nature school program for children 5 to 10 years old in Sooke, to refer to a school for learning based on the elements, and it stuck.


    From there, the nature school grew, and Magic Waters became the name of this community and a bigger container for a variety of offerings and programs.